Troop 100 uses TroopMaster to track Rank Advancement, Merit Badges and is the official roster for the Troop
Unlike in Cub Scouts, parents do not sign off on their own son as he completes the rank and merit badge requirements. Instead, as a Scout completes each of the requirements to advance to his next rank, a unit leader should initial each completed requirement in his Scout Handbook or a copy of the new rank advancement requirements if the Scout has an older version of the Scout Handbook. A unit leader is defined as any of the following individuals:
- Patrol Leader
- Troop Guide
- Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
- Senior Patrol Leader
- Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
- Assistant Scoutmaster
- Scoutmaster
- Any other adult leader in the Troop
The unit leader initialing the Scout’s Handbook will be responsible for assuring that the Scout has successfully completed the particular requirement that he is initialing prior to signing.
The Troop will work on as many rank advancements as possible during regular Troop meetings and outings in order to give each Scout an opportunity to advance. lt is the Scout’s individual responsibility, however, to see to it that he successfully completes all of the requirements and merit badges for a rank advancement before he requests either a Scoutmaster’s Conference or a Board of Review meeting.
Merit badges
All merit badges have an element of learning and fun in the various activities. To attain Eagle rank, among other requirements, a scout must earn at least 21 merit badges,
fifteen of which are “required” merit badges.
- Camping
- Citizenship in the Community
- Citizenship in the Nation
- Citizenship in the World
- Communications
- Cycling
- Emergency Preparedness
- Environmental Science
- Family Life
- First Aid
- Hiking
- Lifesaving
- Personal Fitness
- Personal Management
- Swimming
Advancement Process
The purpose of the Scoutmaster’s Conference is to review the Scout’s goals and objectives and his progress toward achieving them. Boys are encouraged to call the Scoutmaster at his home; however it is also acceptable to initiate a discussion at a regular Troop meeting. lf the Scoutmaster is unavailable for any reason, any Troop 100 Assistant Scoutmaster may conduct the Scoutmaster’s Conference.
Once the Scout has completed the Scoutmaster’s Conference he will need to go before a Board of Review. The Board is composed of at least three members of the Troop Committee one of whom is designated as the Chair. Boards of Review should be held as soon as possible after a scout has completed the Scoutmaster’s Conference. Boards of Review are scheduled monthly – usually before or during the 1st Troop meeting of each month and as needed. Boards of Review are typically scheduled during the week before an upcoming Court of Honor. Dates for currently scheduled Boards of Review may be found on the Troop Calendar.
The Board of Review is intended to assure that each scout advancing in rank has really completed the requirements for his rank advancement. Rank advancement is not automatic, but dependent on a boy’s ability to demonstrate:
- He has successfully completed each of the requirements for the rank to which he seeks to advance;
- He has achieved a level of physical and emotional maturity commensurate with his new rank; and,
- His behavior is compatible with the ideals and beliefs embodied by the term “Scout Spirit” (i.e. Scout Oath and Law).