What’s in your backpack?
Camp Xpress cards are the ideal way to send Scouts to Summer Camp with spending money.
Send your Scouts to Camp with a Camp Xpress Card, the official Trading Post gift card of the Inland Northwest Council. The Camp Xpress Card is a great way to send your Scout to camp with money he will need without the risk of carrying cash.
Camp Xpress Cards:
- May be purchased for any dollar amount.
- Can be re-loaded over and over again.
- Issued with Scouts name and Troop # on the front.
- Missing cards will be voided and replaced with the current card balance.
- May be used at any of the Inland Northwest Council summer camp trading posts (Camp Easton, Camp Grizzly or Cub Country)
- May be used at any of the council service centers and Scout shops.
Gift cards can be purchased at each of the three council service centers or online at www.NWScouts.org.
On average, a Scout will spend $40 — $50 in the Trading Post while at camp. The amount each boy actually spends will depend upon his personal needs and whether his interests require special purchases, such as shooting sports tickets, merit badge kits, etc.
Camp Xpress Cards may be purchased prior to camp. See form in the Docs & Forms section on site
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