[Update 8/24]
The latest is that our Diablo Dam tour was canceled so Bill will figure out another hike to take. We are meeting at the church parking lot on Thursday at 8 am
Who is Eligible to Attend?
New scouts who recently joined Troop 100.
Adults are encouraged to attend. We will need some youth and adult leaders to assist. If older scouts want to get leadership skills while hiking please consider contacting Bill about this. So far we have two older scouts as leaders, but more are welcome.
What is it?
The New Scouts Trip allows
Where are we going?
We will be staying at a campground on Baker Lake off Highway 20. From this base camp we will go on three day hikes: one will be to Sauk Mountain, another will be to Dock Butte, and the third will be to Anderson Lake. All are magnificent. In addition, we will take a tour of the Ross Dam powerhouse.
The Troop will cover the full cost of the trip thanks to this year’s Tree Lot “dividend”. In past year’s the cost has been $50. Food will be purchased by the troop and supplied to the scouts for patrol cooking.
How to attend?
Please email Scoutmaster Bill Dunnell at bdunnell58@gmail.com to confirm your attendance.
Important Meeting
Thursday, August 20
7 pm
Trinity United Methodist Church (TUMC)