8/3 Update:
Mt. Adams is officially out. Looks like Crew may attempt it again in September, but an alternate trek will be planned for the August trip. Crew is leaning toward Mt. Hood/Mt. Defiance/Mt. Stewart. In any case, it’ll be great.
Crampons and ice axes will not be needed after all, but rafting is still on.
Leaving TUMC at noon on 8/20. Q’s: Diana
8/12 Update:
Here’s the Big News: there is a fire just south of Mt. Adams, the Cougar Creek fire. It started on Monday night, and now Mt. Adams is closed to recreational activity. Diana will keep monitoring the situation daily, but there’s a good chance Crew will not be able to climb Mt. Adams.
Diana thinks at this point, Crew should still be preparing as though they are going to climb. That way, if the fire is out and the area opens up, you are ready to go.
But Diana is also working on a plan B. Big time. She’s looking at areas to go hiking for a couple days. Crew still hasr reservations with River Drifters to raft the White Salmon River, south of Mt. Adams. (Again, if the water levels are too low, we will be going to Maupin, Oregon to raft the Deschutes. Another hitch in the giddy up.)
First, crampons. You will need them. You can rent them from REI and Second Ascent in Balllard. TAKE YOUR BOOTS WITH YOU so you can strap the crampons on your boots. THEY WILL WANT TO SEE YOUR BOOTS SO TAKE THEM WITH YOU TO RENT CRAMPONS. You will also need an ice axe, so rent one. But you should figure out your crampon situation now. Start looking now. And TAKE YOUR BOOTS WITH YOU. Got it? If you have questions, email or text Diana, but don’t wait until the last minute. She can’t help you at the last minute.
Here’s a rough itinerary:
– Thursday: meet at the church at noon. Drive to Trout Lake near Mt. Adams, camp at the county park.
– Friday: Drive to Mt. Adams Ranger Station, pick up permits, drive to South Climb TH, hike to Lunch Counter or just below.
– Saturday, O’ Dark Thirty: Wake, prepare for ascent. Climb Adams, hang out at the summit for a bit, glissade down and pack up our stuff left
at Lunch Counter, hike out to TH, load up and drive to campground.
– Sunday, hopefully eat breakfast out. If there is sufficient water level, raft the White Salmon in the afternoon. If water level is too low, drive to Maupin,
Oregon to raft the Deschutes in the afternoon. Camp in campground.
– Monday: gorge exploring on the Oregon side of the Columbia. Swim under a waterfall. Drive home tired but happy!
For a pack list for the Adams portion of the trip, see the google drive page. Can’t access that? Let Diana know Now! Diana will be adding another pack list for the rest of the trip soon. You’ll need things like a swim suit, towel, other clothes, etc.
For the river rafting, your parents will need to sign a waiver. Print and sign.
Diana will also need health forms from you (unless she already has them). Print out all the forms – A, B, and C. Your doctor fills out and signs Part C. If you’ve seen your doctor within the last year, you should be able to fax it to them and they will fill it out. Parents fill out Parts A and B. Diana will also need a copy of the front and back of your insurance card. This is probably the most important thing she needs. That, and the date of your last tetanus shot. So please get these forms printed and filled out.
That’s all for now. Start going over the pack list. We have a meeting this coming Thursday, the 13th.