Over the past two years the Troop 100 Senior Patrol has expressed an interest to hike the Chilkoot Trail in Alaska. This is a major undertaking so we need to gauge interest.
If you or your son is interested in hiking the Chilkoot Trail in Alaska in summer 2016 for two weeks (tentative dates are July 25 to August 5, 2016) please indicate to Bill Dunnell or Ken Dunkelberg that you would like to go.
The hike is 33 miles in length and is very historic. It is not for the faint of heart nor the weak in constitution. An email was sent out with a lot of information. You can read it here.
There will be a meeting of all interested people on November 19th at the regular scout meeting to officially gauge interest and decide if the trip is a go. If it is a go then we will begin the planning and funding process.