This year the Chief Seattle Council Executive Board passed a resolution requiring leaders to renew their youth protection training annually. This policy change will ensure that volunteers stay up-to-date on changes that occur regularly to the BSA’s youth protection guidelines.
Volunteers renewing their membership with the BSA for 2016 this fall will need to ensure that their youth protection training is no older than 2/28/2014. Any youth protection date taken before 2/28/2014 are considered expired. Volunteers will need to re-take the training in order to be carried forward into 2016 on their unit’s roster.
Next year this new policy will catch up with us. During the fall of 2016, when volunteers are renewing their membership with the BSA at charter renewal time, anyone with a youth protection training date older than one year will need to re-take their training.
Which trainings are effected? General youth protection training (Y01), venturing youth protection training (Y02), and Exploring youth protection training (Y03).