What is the Christmas Tree Lot?
Troop 100’s only fundraiser is selling Christmas Trees in the parking lot of St. Alphonsus Church on the corner of 15th Ave NW and NW 58th St. This fundraiser pays for all of the programs Troop 100 runs throughout the year, including Summer Camp and monthly camping trips. As such, the troop requires that all Scouts, Crew and their parents work shifts in the Tree Lot selling trees.
Key Things to Know
- The Christmas Tree Lot will run for about 3 weeks – opening on November 28 through December 20 (or until we sell out of trees).
- Our Christmas Tree Lot is a VERY successful and lucrative fundraiser. Unlike selling popcorn or cookies it is very much worth your time. With everyone (parents, scouts and crew) working a few shifts on the lot, we raise enough money to cover nearly ALL of the costs for the year. It’s also a lot more fun than going door to door.
- There is a MANDATORY Tree Lot Parent Meeting on November 12 at 7:15 at TUMC. It really is critical that at least one parent from every family attend. This is where you’ll learn about the details of working on the Tree Lot.
- There will be a sign up sheet for work shifts at the Court of Honor on October 28. Bring your calendar and be prepared to sign up for parent and scout shifts.
- We will be doing Tree Lot setup on Saturday November 28 from about 8 am to 3 pm. Everyone who can is expected to come and help set up the lot.
If you have questions, or want to do more than just work shifts, please send an email to troop100treelot@gmail.com.
Contact Ron Whitman, this year’s Tree Lot Manager