The intent of the Financial Help Policy is to define the terms or requirements whereby a Scout (or his family) might receive financial assistance with expenses associated with belonging to Troop 100. These expense items might include yearly dues or assessments, uniform and related items, or expenses associated with a Troop activity.
(b) Application Process
The process for obtaining funds is as follows:
1. The Scout or Parent should approach the Scoutmaster, the Committee Chair or the Treasurer and make their need known.
2. The Sensitive Issues Resolution Committee should decide whether troop funds be committed in order to fulfill the need on a case by case basis.
3. The Committee should consider the Scout’s participation in fund raising events designed to benefit the troop in making the determination of support.
4. The tree lot sales earned by the Scout should be considered as a source of funds for financial help. The amount is a small percentage of the Scout’s gross tree lot sales, and is typically used to fund summer camp.
5. The Scoutmaster may decide on his own for amounts up to $25.
(c) Communication of Results
Once the Committee has made a decision regarding the request, the Scoutmaster or designate should communicate the results to the Scout and his family in private.