Duties Include:
• Handle all troop funds and report to the Troop Committee at each meeting.
• Pay bills on recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee.
• Maintain checking and savings accounts.
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• Keep adequate records in the Troop/Team Record Book. Supervise money-earning projects, including obtaining proper authorization.
• Supervise the camp savings plan.
• Lead in the preparation of the annual troop budget.
• Call and preside over the annual budget meeting
• Keep other chairs updated as to expenditures for their individual budgets
• Work with Committee to appoint Tree lot and other fundraising chairs.
• Prepare & review troop trip budget with Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster(s) • Provide for collections and accounting for troop trips • Reimburse for expenses and establish procedures for such.
• Provide for campership assistance.