Wednesday, 3/19, Ballard Locks — Meet at the Locks 6:15p
A signed waiver gets you added to the potential attendee list. Should and most likely there be in excess of 40 individuals wanting to participate in this special insider view event, Scouts will be given first priority, then Scout families. Respond now to be part of this special event.
ACTION: If you want to be included in this special event, please send participant name(s), age(s) and signed waiver (for each participant) to Andrew Benson ( Alternatively, signed safety waivers can be brought to Scout meetings between now and March 13th. Final attendee list will be e-mailed to participants on March 14th.
Event details…also listed in attached PPT.
- Activity: H. R. Chittenden Locks insider tour event for Troop 100 Scouts and families
- Date: Wednesday – March 19, 2014, 6:15 – 7:30 pm
- Food: This is a bring your own sack dinner/drink event
- Where: We will meet at the locks (Ballard Locks Visitors Center) NOT at TUMC.
- Clothing: Rubber boots recommended to avoid standing water; long sleeves a must & rain coat optional
- RSVP send names, ages and signed waivers to Andrew Benson
- Parking: The north parking lot adjacent to the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks, no charge after 6:00 pm
Any questions/comments/concerns please contact Andrew Benson via phone 206-399-9147 or email and yes, you need a waiver
Locks Info:
Hiram M. Chittenden Locks (Ballard)
3015 NW 54th St
Seattle, WA 98107
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