- Show up at Troop Meetings — This old fashioned sure-fire formula is the absolute best way to get the scoop on what is going on with the Troop. Stay an extra 10 min when picking up your Scout and/or come 10 min early to pick up and you’ll discover more than what your Scout tells you in a week about the Troop
- Attend “Committee” Meetings — They’re called “Committee” meetings, but just show up to find out what’s going on with the Troop. Great place to ask questions. Fair warning though. If you show up enough times, you’ll get assigned a job
- Register for the Troop Website — Send us a note with your name and your Scout and we’ll get you hooked up. The main additional items that you get by signing up is access to the Troop Roster and photos from the Camp outings
- Sign up for the Troop Newsletter: The newsletter comes out anywhere from 1x per week to 1x per month and is jam packed with info
- Follow us on Twitter — We use our Twitter feed to place info on our homepage; sometimes it’s quick/timely; sometimes it’s useless info
- Like our Facebook Page — Parents post pictures; not currently in heavy use, but could be if someone was inclined
- Send an email to questions@troop100seattle.com. We’ve set up a special email address for any and all dumb questions
- Attend Courts of Honor — Announcements get made. A side benefit to supporting your Scout
- Attend Family Camp and/or BBQ’s — Great way to get to know other Scout parents outside of a traditional Troop meeting or event. Get the skinny on what’s what at Troop 100
- And…best way to connect: Volunteering. Besides the Tree Lot once a year, if you volunteer for a job with the Troop. You’ll always (mostly) be in the loop.
Top 10 Ways to Connect to Troop 100
posted in: Cool Opportunity, Volunteer Opportunty, Website