We need qualified bus drivers to drive the Troop 100 bus to various events, summer camp and longer trips. Our current group of bus drivers is dwindling as their scouts move on. Drivers must have a commercial drivers license (CDL), most likely Class B, potentially Class C (I’m checking on this), and with a P1 endoresement in either case. Do you have a CDL or know someone else who does and might want to volunteer to drive the troop bus? Or would you be willing to spend some time training and taking the CDL test? Training would be about a 15-20 hour commitment plus studying for and taking the state exam on your own, including the driving portion in the bus. The troop covers the costs. We all appreciate having this great bus (aka the “White Whale”) as a unique source of pride,a highly effective transportation plus it’s fun for our scouts, but we need scout parents to help with driving.
Looking for Volunteers to Become Bus Drivers
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