It is recognized that Boy Scouts are boys. Boys will naturally and predictably test the limits of the physical and social environment. Not all such testing Is bad. Indeed many of the activities, and in particular, the high adventure activities of Troop 100 and the Boy Scout movement are designed to provide a structured opportunity through which the testing of skills and physical ability can safely take place. However, boys often lack the perspective, self-restraint and wisdom that can often come with experience and maturity.
Occasionally, an incident will occur in which one or more boys will step outside the bounds of accepted Troop conduct. In most cases, these incidents are inconsequential and can be effectively handled by the youth or Adult Leaders. However. there may be a case in which an incident involves a clear and serious breach of Troop policies and/or a threat to the health, life or safety of an individual. In these cases, there is need for a more formal, reasoned consideration of the facts of the case and the logical and necessary consequences. The Troop Discipline Board will be convened to perform such functions as needed.
The policy and procedure on discipline below was established by the Parents Group and was designed to provide guidance to the Troop’s Disciplne Board regarding its responsibilities, the procedures for conducting a fact finding inquiry and Discipline Board meeting, and the imposition or penalties. It Is also intended to provide all boys and their parents with information regarding Troop 100’s policies and procedures in case any allegations made concerning serious misconduct on the part of one or more o fits members.
- When an infraction occurs, It’s incumbent upon the troop leaders present to take whatever action ls necessary and prudent to ensure the immediate safety and welfare of each of the participants. Incidents involving criminal behavior (i.e. theft, assault with a weapon, use of illegal substances) shall be reported to the appropriate authorities. Once the immediate situation is handled, the adult leadership shall promptly bring the matter to the attention of the Discipline Board.
- The Discipline Board shall be composed of the Troop Committee Chair plus two other registered adult leaders appointed by the Troop Committee.
- The Board, upon notification of an incident, shall proactively attempt to ascertain the facts of the matter. The Discipline Board may interview boys or adults who witnessed the alleged infraction or have additional information or knowledge which could help the Board understand the situation. The Board, in most cases will conduct a hearing at which time the boy(s) involved and his (their) parents will be Informed of the allegations and of the actions taken by the Board to substantiate them. Parent(s) or guardian(s) will be given an opportunity to respond and provide any additional information.
- Any boy involved who holds a leadership position the troop shall continue in that position until such time as the allegations of misconduct are substantiated. Once the charge is substantiated, the boy shall be relieved of his leadership position unless the Board determines that such action would be inappropriate in the given situation.
- No rank advancement will be processed or awarded to an involved boy during the course of the investigation and disposition of a case.
- The deliberations of the Board will take place in closed session. At the conclusion of the Board’s deliberations, a formal report of their findings, along with the discipline, if any, imposed by the Board will be given to the youth and his parents. A copy of the findings will be forwarded to the Troop Committee.
- The discipline imposed may range considerably depending upon the nature of the infraction and the individual circumstances involved in the case. Possible punishments include but are not limited to: development of a personal contract acceptable to the Sccutmaster which outlines what the youth will and will not do over the course or a specified time period to dismissal from the Troop or Venturing Crew,
- The decision of and/or punishment imposed by the Discipline Board may be appealed to the Troop Committee.