ln the 1940's the troop met regularly in the Loyal Heights Grade School auditorium or in a portable classroom on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm. The troop received some scouting equipment, including canvas tents from a former scouting unit. The troop became active in the War Finance Program and received a Certification of Appreciation for its services March 1944 and qualified for the Reginald H. Parsons Award in 1941 and 1949. The scout uniform consisted of knickers, scout shirt, scout hat and purple scout
neckerchief. The troop attended Camp Parsons several times.
ln the 1950's the Troop received several
Class A Excellence Awards for Window Display Contests. Meetings continued at Loyal Heights but moved to the new gymnasium. The District name was Klahowya-Tillicum District and the troop participated in the annual Klahowya-Tillicum District Scout Circus at the University of Washington Pavilion. The troop operated its own summer scout camp at Wiley Creek, Fish Lake, Neah Bay and Ozefte River. ln 1956, the camp fee for the troop operated scout camp was $9. Selling Christmas trees door-to-door and holding troop dances raised funds for the troop. The Christmas trees were cut along railroad rights-of-way and forest lands at a cost of five cents per tree. Two new 8x10' canvas wall tents were purchased for each
patrol.Late in the 1950's the troop began operating a
tree lot at Art's Food Center (now QFC on Holman Road). ln 1956 the troop membership peaked at 60 scouts.
Camporees were held at Carkeek Park and Harry Lyons became the first Troop 100 leader to receive the
Silver Beaver Award. Harry started the annual troop planning session for scouts and leaders to develop the calendar of scouting activities for the following year. The scout uniform was modified to long suntan colored pants.
ln the 1960's the troop was immersed in swimming. Gold Creek, YMCA and Pier 91 were popular watering holes. The troop also attended District Camporee events, participated in annual scout shows, often cooked pancakes and established the annual Family Camp. The District was now named the Shilshole District and District Camporees were held each spring at many locations including Fort Lawton and Fort Lewis. The Troop enjoyed roller-skating, ice
skating, summer trips canoeing to Ross Lake, hikes on Vancouver lsland and Cascade Pass and a trip to Bowron Lakes Provincial Park in Canada. The Christmas tree lot was now a regular annual event but was moved to the A&P Store, now QFC. Also several parents constructed the first tree lot sales shack. Summer camp was routinely held at Camp Omache. ln 1963 the scout camp fee was $18.50.
ln the 1970's gas rationing threatened the cancellation of many scout trips, but no trips were actually cancelled. ln fact, in 1974 Troop 100 was given a National Camping Award. Troop outings included annual trips to Drunken Charlie Lake and Money Creek. Summer trips included: the Cascade Pass, Olympic Mountains, Vancouver lsland beach, Ross Lake, Lake Ozette and Dorothy Lake (where two boys were lost overnight and found early the next
morning after reinforcements from parents and Explorers from Seattle had been dispatched, whewl). The Troop made its first troop outing to Andy's Cabin site. Troop activities now regularly included joint outings with Troop 85 to Blake lsland and a Scout camp at Baker Lake. Troop initiations at Red Bridge near Verlot were started and scouts would inner tube annually down the Yakima River. The District name was changed to Aurora District and
Camporee was changed to a Friday to Saturday event. The troop attended District Camporee each year at Fort Lewis and Buck Creek and received several first place patrol awards. ln the late 1970's the troop began attending scout camp at Camp Parsons. ln 1976 a week at Camp Parsons cost $40 per scout.The tree lot was moved to George Johnson Realty. Troop equipment included snowshoes made by the Explorers. The Parents Group started making and selling swags at the tree lot and the first Parents Group garage sale was held. Andy Anderson made and donated snow saws to the troop and new tents were purchased. ln addition to the tree lot, an annual fireworks stand was begun. tn 1978 Jim Lynch became the third Troop 100 leader to receive the Silver Beaver Award.
ln the early 1980's several significant changes occurred for Troop 100. The troop meeting location wis changed for the first time since 1941: first to Whitman Middle School's gymnasium then to the present meeting location, the gymnasium at Trinity United Methodist Churcn (
TUMC). The Parents Group successfully purchased our troop bus in January 1982 for $1500. Later that year Fred Houghton was instrumental to Alaska Airlines' donation of bus seats. Alaska Airlines flew these seats from storage in Anchorage to Seattle just for our troop.Jo Lynch developed a troop logo, the ice ax, and T-shirts were made for the 1980 summer trip to Alaska and the
Chilkoot Trail. Shirley Hegge made the troop's Santa suit.Troop outings included Blake lsland and Andy's Cabin with Troop 85, Camp Sheppard, and a Yakima River inner tube float trip. Summer scout camps were held at either Camp Brinkley or Camp Parsons. Summer outings included Ross Lake, the West Coast Trial and the Salmon River Raft Trip. The fireworks stand was operated for the last time.ln 1983, the troop attended the 1st World Boy Scout
Jamboree in Calgary, Canada. Scouts raised some of the funds for this trip by painting house numbers on curbs for $3. The Scout Buck Program was started as an idea from Dan Cunningham. Dean Cress received the troop's fourth Silver Beaver Award.ln 1984, the spring rummage sale as a
Parent Group fundraiser and the Family Camp at Baker Lake became annual events. The tree lot was moved twice: first, to the video store across from Great Western Bank; and, then to Great Western Bank where it remained through Christmas 1990ln the late 1980's, outings to Blake lsland, Andy's Cabin and Deception Pass became common monthly trips for the troop. The troop climbed Mt. St. Helens twice. Camporees were held at Snoquilmie Middle School and Buck Creek and each year a Troop 100 patrol received one of the top honors.With the tree lot supporting troop expenses, the Scout Buck Program developed into an excellent incentive program. The troop purchased additional equipment including tents, stoves and Dutch ovens. A larger troop room became necessary to store all the troop's equipment and was constructed in the basement of Trinity church (TUCM).Winter monthly outings included trips to Fish Lake and cross-country skiing to a cabin by.Elder Creek. patrols used the ropes courses at the Cispus Learning Center. Summer trips included Olympic Peninsula hike, Salmon River rafting and Barkley Sound canoeing.
At the beginning of the 1990's the troop membership was strong at 50 registered scouts. ln 1990, the Troop held a summer hike on Vancouver lsland's West Coast Trail and canoe trip to Bowron Lakes provincial Park. Over 40 scouts attended scout camp at Camp Fife. The Baker Lake camp was relocated to Camano lsland and then to Vashon lsland. Then registration blossomed to 75 Scouts and 18 Explorers. The troop earned quality unit each year and actively participated in
Friends of Scouting annual giving drive.ln the 1990's Andy's Cabin was a favorite for fall camping with its rifle range, rock rappelling and night games of Capture the Flag. Families began attending Andy's Cabin trips sometimes with mobile homes as well as tents. Other favorite yearly trips were Black Mountain Scout Camp with a side trip for snow play, Mount Baker, Fish Lake and Lake Wenatchee snow camping and Acme for June
Court of Honor and Family Camp along the banks of the Nooksack River and Fort Lewis for Camporee. Sid Bosch, a troop parent, at age 65 became the oldest graduate of the Explorer Search and Rescue Training Course. Troop Summer camps included Camp Fife, Camp Merriwether, Camp Bonaparte (during a forest fire); and,Goose prairie (east of Chinook Pass). The latter became a fast favorite of the troop. The scouts were very active earning almost 100
merit badges one summer at Camp Fife. Summer trips included Bowron Lake and Ross Lake canoeing, Glacier Peak Wilderness, Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood hiking; and bike trips on the Oregon Coast and Canada to Puget Sound. ln the early 1990's, horseback riding became the new favorite sport. Swimming and gorilla ball games in the pool continued to be favorite activities.ln 1991 the Christmas tree lot was moved to St. Alphonsus' parking lot. Sales doubled at that location where we are still selling trees annually. ln 1998 the Troop had a banner year with 1400 trees sold, a troop record at the time. New cargo carriers were installed in the bus undercarriage. Troop Scouts and Explorers participated in numerous community service projects and Scout Sunday.Around 1993, a group of parents and scouts headed by Rod Hansen and Jim Waters took the bus to Meridian Construction and worked with them to blast off all old paint inside and out. They repaired all body problems, repainted it with high quality aircraft giant and installed new used aircraft seats, small tables, all new lights and signage. In 1996 Kim Peterson and Brian Kemley became new bus drivers and Steve Gilbert became Explorer Post Advisor. The Parent Group monthly meetings and separate bank accounts were discontinued except for an annual meeting and informational meetings as needed. The troop took back its old fireworks shack and "borrowed" a semi truck body fiom St. Al's to store all Christmas lot equipment. ln 1997, this body was given to the troop and moved from St. Al's to Our Redeemer's for storage. Troop 100 conducted the flag ceremony for a Seahawks game for the first time.ln June 1998, Troop 100 saw its 100th Eagle Award. The bus had its 30-year-old check uq in l998 and was given a thorough inspection and all problems were corrected. On August 1, the National
BSA office changed the Explorer program. Under its new moniker, the Venturing Crew, there are increased opportunities for awards, outdoor adventure activities and skills development. The Troop broke its Christmas tree sales record. The majority of trees sold were Noble Firs. Ten years ago most of the trees sold were untrimmed Douglas Firs.In 1999, the troop put its second computer in the storage room. lt runs Troopmaster 2000 program and the District
Merit Badge Counselor program and a data base program for equipment and the
Scout Bucks program. lt contains a record of all troop activities and advancements since 1986. lt can print mailing labels, update scouts on their individual attendance and advancement progress, make permission slips and trip permits. In the summer of 1999, the troop returned to Camp Parsons for the first time since 1988. The cost had risen from $115 to $150/person. The summer trip was kayaking in the San Juan lslands. The troop registration was about 60 Scouts and 10 Venturing Crew. Sern Watt agreed to become
Scoutmaster in June and started his term in September 1999. ln October the Troop went to Ghost Lake.
ln 2000 the Troop continued traditions and began new ones. The 1st Thursday of the month outing was established and quickly became a iavored tradition and included evening skiing, hockey games and golf. Monthly camping trips continued and the troop went to Andy's Cabin, snow camping at Mount Rainier, canoeing in the Skagit River and camping at Camp Merriwether where the troop won the sand sculpture contest. A renewed emphasis was placed on uniforms and the majority of Scouts began wearing the uniform at troop meetings. Scout Bucks choices expanded to include gift certificates. ln October 2000, Troop 100 celebrated its 60th anniversary. Venturing Crew was 33 years old.Remembering his invitation to the Scoutmaster position, Sern passed the torch to Paul Hendricks after bringing him to the point of exhaustion on the troop's trip to the Dose Wallops in March 2001. Paul became Scoutmaster the summer of 2001. That year the troop continued its active schedule and Family camp and court of Honor was held at Camp Casey. The Summer Trip was a bike ride along the Oregon Coast.In 2005, Paul Hendricks took back the reins as ScoutMaster
In 2012, trips included Andy's Cabin, Fish Lake, Black Mountain, Dosewallips and a wet trip to Monte Cristo. Pre-camporee was at Buck Creek and Camporee was at Ensign Ranch in Cle Elum.
For 2013, the Troop has ventured to Black Mountain, Fish Lake and experienced good weather at Birch Bay. The Troop took the SSS Propeller to Blake Island for Pre-Camporee. A good time was had by all.Paul Hendricks retired as ScoutMaster at the end of 2014. Bill Dunnell will be attempting to fill Paul's large shoes in 2015. After three fun-filled years, Bill passed the ScoutMaster torch on to Patrick McCann in early 2018.In February of 2019 the Ballard Tropp and Crew 100 Charitable Association added an all girls troop under the Ballard Troops and Crew 100 umbrella. The first Girls Troop 100 ScoutMaster is Aaron Prestegard.Thanks to Sfeve Gitbert, Scoufmaster (1991); Gordon Merritt,
Advancement Chair (1999); and Sern Watt, Asst. Scoutmaster (2004) for sharing the History of Troop 100 with us.